The Bioethics Advisory Committee was established by the Singapore Cabinet in December 2000. It has been tasked to address the ethical, legal and social issues arising from biomedical sciences research in Singapore.
Progress in Singapore’s biomedical sciences has been rapid since the launch of the Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Initiative in June 2000, which aims to develop the Biomedical Sciences as one of the key pillars of Singapore’s economy. The rational and responsible management of bioethical issues is integral and critical to the national effort to develop biomedical sciences, and decisions regarding the biomedical sciences and research need to be solidly based on good science and high ethical and legal standards. To this end, the BAC actively gathers information and views from the international and local community, and after careful deliberation, makes recommendations to the Singapore Government on the regulation of human biomedical research.
The awareness of the Singapore community at large on such issues is also important in the move towards a knowledge-based economy and a high quality of public life. Accordingly, public education is also part of the remit of the BAC.